“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship”
– Benjamin Franklin
The fact is, you might not even see these storage cost.
…But whether you get a bill for retail display warehousing or not, the costs exist.
It might not be part of your own budget, but it’s an expense your company is paying for.
So if it’s an expense, where’s the cost coming from and how can you reduce it?

One of the key factors in determining the storage fees is size. Here are a few important questions to consider if you’re maximizing the efficiency of your storage methods:
Do your displays need to be stored fully assembled?
Storing your display in parts and pieces can drastically reduce the volume and size of your storage, significantly reducing your overall costs.
Warehousing fully assembled or even partially assembled displays is an expense that is often not calculated into the overall program cost, but it can add thousands of dollars over a relatively short period of time.
Are your displays stored on pallets? If so, what size and how many?
There are a variety of sizes available for pallets but the most common is 48” x 40”. However, if you’re storing smaller items in a larger pallet, you may be paying for space you just don’t need.
Interested in learning more about pallets, visit this site: 1001 PALLETS
Can they be stacked or are your components fragile?
Stacking pallets are a great way of utilizing vertical storage space. But, depending on the materials you use and how they’ve been prepared for storage will determine if stacking is even possible.
When selecting materials, keep in mind how durable each component is and what packing materials are needed to prevent damages.
A common fear when executing a large retail program is allocating a unit that is not in stock or readily available. Potentially missing out on a key store placement and worst yet, not fulfilling your end of the merchandising program with a new customer. That’s why having an accurate and up-to-date inventory is crucial, but it also take man power.
Depending on the scale of the project, it may require a monthly hands-on count or automated system with daily updates. It’s best to work out the details for managing the inventory as early as possible so that the display is designed to align with storage.
You are paying your display provider’s rent. Even if you don’t see the itemized cost for storage, if your display manufacturer is keeping fully assembled product for you at their facility, the cost is being passed on to you.
Compare storage costs, is it cheaper to store finished displays yourself or at your display manufacturer.
The real question to ask is how efficiently is your display producer storing your finished product, and when does the finished product actually exist?
There’s a unique solution that Benchmarc has developed, and we’d like to share it with you to see if it could help you reduce one of the biggest hidden costs with most display programs.
Reach out to us today to find out!